n. 所有权, 物主身份
[经] 所有权, 所有制
ownership 所有权
1、absolute ownership [经] 绝对所有权
2、assume ownership [法] 行使所有权
3、bare ownership [经] 空头产权
4、capitalist ownership [法] 资本主义所有制
5、certificate of ownership [经] 所有权证书, 登记证明书
6、certificate of ownership of land [法] 土地所有权证
7、change of ownership [经] 改变所有权
8、co-ownership [经] 共同所有权, 共有
9、collective ownership [经] 共同所有权, 集体所有制
10、community ownership [经] 集体所有
11、cooperative ownership system [法] 合作社所有制
12、creation of ownership [法] 所有权的设定
13、cross-ownership n. 交叉所有权
14、declaration of ownership [经] 所有权申报
15、divided ownership [经] 分割所有
16、elasticity of ownership [法] 所有权的伸缩性
17、employee ownership 员工所有制
18、employee stock ownership plan 员工拥有股票计划,员工入股计划
19、equitable ownership [法] 平衡法上的所有权