n. 笑,笑声;〈古〉好笑的事;〈美俚〉力量悬殊得可笑的体育比赛;大笑
laughter 笑声
1、burst into laughter 哈哈大笑起来
2、a burst of laughter 一阵大笑声
3、a roar of laughter 一阵哄笑
4、a scream of laughter 纵声大笑
5、break out in a riot of laughter 纵声大笑,哄堂大笑
6、bubble over with laughter 笑语如潮
7、burst into uproarious laughter 哄然大笑
8、burst one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑
9、compulsive laughter [医] 强迫性笑
10、explode with laughter 哄然大笑
11、fall about with laughter 哄然大笑,大笑起来
12、Homeric laughter 放声大笑
13、kill oneself with laughter 笑得要死
14、laughter is the best medicine 笑是解忧的良药,笑一笑十年少
15、laughter reflex [医] 笑反射
16、laughter-line 笑纹
17、laughter-lines (laughter-line 的复数) 笑纹
18、move laughter in sb 惹某人发笑
19、roar with laughter 哄笑